Wednesday, January 12, 2011

more & more study!!

ohhh...tomorrow got another paper!! economics...
i didn't know what should i do now but just to get some "nervousness" of the exam, so got to open books, lecture notes and what so ever lahh....hahahaaa

luckily i got several "tips" from my just focusing on that topics only...but anyway, blogging is still blogging....i don't know why during this "exam mood", i feel very "excitedly" to re"brand" my old blog....(uhh why now azuan!!)...

same things happened last semester la, everybody busy prepare for exam, but i still play games...(tendang pigeon on fecebook)...hahaha...but after finished the exam, no mood already to play all kinds of things...really weird rite??!..

anyway, new semester have started, so just do the best for it...FYP??....Sorry la mr.ishak, so busy laarr....after this i do my project okehh??!!...last week he called me..."azuan, saya nak jumpa smua student fyp under saya ye??"....ohhhhh....In mood of study week!!~~